Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Good Moment.... and a Good Thing....

Session with Shrink was very good. Suddenly, I found myself talking to a highly intelligent person. A VERY SMART PERSON. Hugely compassionate. And asking all the right questions, not all of which made me feel good. Which is ok. Uncomfortable, at times, but good, and okay. Real. It has been a long time since I had a conversation with someone who has insight and a desire to bring that awareness to light. Gently. Kindly. But with focus too. No wishy-washing.

Keenly aware; very on point. A good listener; he asked good questions about what I said, and made me THINK. I liked that. He had read my file and referred to it quite a lot which impressed me, because it was clear that he had spent time absorbing my information and he'd thought about it... and he knew his stuff! It was a very surprising thing to sit with someone and have feedback that reflected true understanding. He gets it.

It was good. Very good. Even though I cried a bit. I still have so many tears. And will have, for a long time to come. He was matter of fact about it all, while simultaneously being being genuinely empathetic. A rare combination. And I was reminded of a thing which I had forgotten: I have a brain. A good one. And I am not stupid. That was a nice thing to relearn. It was really good to be asked to THINK. And to be reminded that I am, in fact, intelligent.

Meanwhile... Puppy-lust continues. My new shrink did not make 'dont do it' noises. This surprised me.

I am not sure what to make of that...

The main thing is that I am actually feeling more stable. And that is a very good thing.


Linda said...

Oh Bird, I'm glad it was good. I've been seeing a therapist for a while and it's so good for the brain, the heart, everything. I hope you have the opportunity to go regularly and clear out a little quiet space in your brain. I'm cheering you on!


Rising Rainbow said...

Sounds like you have found a professional that suits you. That's a good thing.