Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Just so you know, dinner the other night, the duck breasts, was to die for. All-star team for sure. :) Some days you have it and some days you dont. You never know. But when you catch the groove, and get into the creative thing, and it works, coming from pure inspiration into material form...damn, but that's a good thing. Utterly yum. I dont know when I've had a better meal in a high-fallootin restaurant, in recent memory. Of course, it helps that we dont have any high-falootin restaurqants on the island, but that's as an aside.... The best rstaurants I know are the kitchens of my brother's and me and B's....

Damn, I'm good!!!



Anonymous said...

I was just on my way over here to check in and see how it was. It sounded amazing. I also loved that post, btw. Isn't it wonderful when the world conspires to make you feel like you're living a black and white romance movie?

Anonymous said...

I suppose now you can get one of those neon signs that say "Best Cooking on the Island" for your window.

The DT

Anonymous said...

You know I love that - when an inspired idea becomes an incredible meal. Nothing planned, all spontaneous and voila! Life is so good during those moments, aren't they?

linda said...

I do hope that a detailed recipe will be forthcoming! :D

Anonymous said...

Hello Hummie Chup Birdie! Long time no see... Sorry for my long absence and thank you very much for your kind words. I'm doing all right especially after the new year's. Your duck dish sounds absolutely divine! Where's the photo?! Love, Poth the uk_alien :)