Friday, February 6, 2009

Seriously? SERIOUSLY!

I do not know whether to laugh or cry. Whether to applaud or barf. 8 babies.... count em.... EIGHT. AND another 6 all under the age of 8. Its a litter of pups! How can one person care for so many hungry mouths adequately?

I guess money can buy you happiness. Or babies. Personally, I'd have been content with one.

On the other side of infertility I want to say, "You GO girl!" I want to send flowers and praises to a woman who loves children, loves having them and mothering them, and who, being single, just damns the torpedoes and goes full steam ahead. That's chutzpah! That's a lady with a dream, and backbone enough to make it happen. That is one human being with a lot of love to give ( or a big need for unconditional love, because lets face it, the only real unconditional love, comes from the Creator - who knows everything - and little babies - who can hardly know any better.) Still, here is a person who dared to make a family, in her desired image, and that is really something. I respect that. But something in my stomach is turning. 8. (Well 14 now) Will they get all the care they need? Will there be enough of their mother left over to actually have anything to give at the end of the day? (How can she afford it... though looking at her face, and the obviously extensive plastic surgery she's had - poor thing- she clearly has money)...Is it jealousy? Or old age? Am I becoming conservative and judgmental in my middle age? Or am I just sensing a boundary between what is possible and what is reasonable? And who the hell am I to say anyway?!

I smell a reality show coming on.Yegads.

I am one of the most liberal minded people I know. But seriously!

What do YOU think?


Anonymous said...

Bird, I'm not sure you want to know what I think. :-) None of it's complimentary. Here's what I wrote over at Wordgirl's site:

"I love that she says it's hard for her to accept help but her plan for the mean time is to just lean on family, friends and her church. HELLO? Hard to accept help? I don't think so.

Sarge worked as a deacon's assistant at our church for a long time. He saw this sort of thing all this time and called it a planned emergency. Basically, the person creates a situation in which decent people MUST help or watch innocent people (in this case, the children) suffer. Nadya Suleman will get all the help she needs and more because she knows she can manipulate the public and play on our hearts. She's using her children for her own gain. And THAT is the sickest part of all."


And none of that mentions the poor press that she's given IF treatments. Now anyone who's ever opposed IF has fuel for their fire; "Just look what those whackos do to their bodies!"

Donna said...

I feel the same way (again). I am in a conundrum about this as well. I watched a bit of the interview she did and she seems like a person with a good head on her shoulders, but 8 is just.too.many. In every way, too many to implant, too many to carry and too many to care for.

Hummingbird said...

Yeah! I think she is articulate, but something's wrong here. I think she's a nut-case. In Canada she'd get welfare and 'baby bonuses' for each child. Not that it would be enough to support 14 children! What you say about IF resonates SO strongly within me too.... Where'd she get the money to do that if she's living with her parents? And dont the doctors have any ethical obligation to think of the 'best interests of the child(ren)"?! Like I said, I kind of want to barf. Nice to hear your thoughts, thanks for dropping by! :)

Rising Rainbow said...

I think she is a nut case too. She is not the one dealing with the consequences of her choices, her parents are. There's something wrong with the way she's looking at this. Babies shouldn't be something you have to bring you happiness. You need to have it first to share with them.